4 channels, 8 bit samples, 777 kb.
Made especially for DiHalt 2023 demoparty.
Equipment used: Yamaha acoustic guitar, MXL AC-400 microphone, Moog Model 15, MoArtt Pianoteq, Apple GarageBand, Schism Tracker, Amiga ProTtacker 3.62
"This man [Ishi] is undoubtedly wild. He has pieces of
deer thong in place of ornaments in the lobes of his ears
and a wooden plug in the septum of his nose. He recognizes
most of my Yana words and a fair proportion of his own
seem to be identical [with mine]. Some of his, however, are
either quite different or else my pronunciation of them is
very bad, because he doesn't respond to them repeated."
Theodora Kroeber "ISHI IN TWO WORLDS"