За отведенное время нарисовать картинку на заданную тему в атрибутном режиме компьютера ZX Spectrum (32х24 точек, 53 цвета). Online-редактор:
53c.retroscene.org. Тема конкурса - "Ослепительное в рукаве"
In the allotted time, draw a picture on a given topic in the attribute mode of the ZX Spectrum computer (32x24 dots, 53 colors). Online Editor:
53c.retroscene.org. The theme of the compo is "Dazzling in the sleeve"
Today 15:42 by TmK
Today 15:14 by Inoart
Today 10:15 by zs
Yesterday 19:59 by Pator
Yesterday 19:59 by Pator
Yesterday 18:39 by wbc
Yesterday 18:39 by wbc
Yesterday 18:32 by wbc
Yesterday 18:17 by wbc
Yesterday 15:30 by wbc